Friday, April 8, 2011

Where do these 11 year olds come from?

A woman and her daughter come into the salon. This happens often, so I thought, "oh, cute little girl, I'll give her to M." M was sitting next to me, and gladly accepted having the little girl for the client. The first words out of this young lady's mouth were "I have a house in Malibu."
Then she preceeded to question M and myself with these spectacular questions:

"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Does he have a 6 pack?"
"Is he sexy?"
"Can I see a picture?"
And so on....for an hour! Insisting she see pictures of our boyfriends, who are in their 20's without shirts on, trying to google them and asking to see my phone. Her mother was in the back of the salon oblivious to her child's behavior and actions and according to her own child does not even know half of what goes on in her life. (i. e. 2 boyfriends and pictures on her phone of them.)

How are people raising their children these days?? I learned she has two boyfriends, one with a 6 pack, one with "Justin Beiber hair" -- and they send her pictures of themselves on her phone. An 11 yr old should not have a picture of her boyfriend's abs on her phone, let alone 2 boyfriends. Her mother was so non chalant and not involved while her daughter was running amok everywhere.

I myself do not have children, however I know many mothers, and love children. I also know there are many different degrees and types of motherhood. However, these children, this example is what frightens me to ever have kids. Not for my own kids, I have enough values to know I will be a good mother, but for the children my children will grow up around. I am the oldest out of 4 siblings. I understand that at around 11 that is where you notice the other sex, but to this crazy obsessed level I have never seen. I have no control over what other people notice or don't notice in their children, I just hope I would have enough sense to see these signs in my children or even my younger siblings.

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